Wednesday, April 29, 2009


It appears I have been cleared to blog again. The "reviewers'' have determined that I am not a blog spammer and I hesitate to even write those words for fear that the Blog "robots'' will throw a block on my blog again. Thank you to all those on Facebook who assured me that they could indeed read my blog and thus, everything was fine w/ my blog. Fortunately, you all could read it but I could not post.
So, now I'm gathering my thoughts to post once again.
I have no idea what prompted the block in the first place but the Blogspot folks said that it was things like irrelevance and posing like a blogger and copying things from other blogs that can trigger the blog robots to throw you in the blog lock up, so to speak.
So I can't promise that this won't happen again given those criteria. I don't copy from other blogs. That had never occured to me until now. And as for the relevance, I think that my little revelry about the Bonneville could have put the Blog robots to sleep.
At any rate, in less than the 20 days it might have taken to shut me down altogether, I am back posting. All's right in blog world.


Me said...

maybe b/c you are such a good writer, the robots thought you were plagarizing...i would take it as a compliment!

margot connor said...

So glad you are back to blogging. You have a lot to say :)