Thursday, May 21, 2009

New shoes

I haven't seen Ken this giddy since his surprise 50th birthday party 11 years ago. He was standing in the garden, watering plants and giggling. Or nearly giggling. It was a hot May day. He's reduced his pain meds by 30 percent, so giddiness was not exactly the mood I expected from him.
But he had new shoes. Black dorky tie ups and his new orthotic foot and leg braces that help straighten his back and almost completely correct his gait, ruined since tumors were removed from his spine 11 years ago. He hasn't been able to wear anything but sandals since the surgery because his feet are too sensitive to anything they sense as cumbersome. He's managed to wedge them into black wing tips for two weddings and for an occasional church service, but mostly it's sandals.
But his orthotics guy knew about a whole line of shoes for people like Ken and he ordered him a pair of these black tie ups that are roomier, canvass and give him a lot more support that the velcro sandals.
And he was giddy. Giddy. Giddy with the support, with the ease of walking and with the ability to wear something as normal as tie up shoes.
He's waiting for the tennis shoe variety to come in the mail.


Me said...

YAY ken! glad to hear so far he's doing well w/the pain meds dropping off.

Unknown said...

Hey, it's Katya. I'm glad you started a blog 'cause i really like your writing. (I'm trying to make as few mistakes as possible since you're the writer)
Of course Ken would do that; he's so funny.
Love you guys