Sunday, July 26, 2009

Post Surgery II

We're two weeks post surgery and it feels like two years.
Thursday Dr. Lieberman programmed a five mililiter increase in the morphine that will drip from the pain pump to the tip of the line floating in Ken's spinal column and then down his spine. . It will take three days for him to notice the increase. That means tonight at some time he should experience more relief.
So far, I don't think he's noticed any change.
But this morning we made it to the 10:30 service at church and when Ken walked back from taking communion two ladies who adore him applauded.
He made it to church because two women from Kenya who attend our church were supposed to usher at the 9 a.m. service and he wanted to be there to tell them thank you.
They'd agreed to usher a month or two ago but had arrived late and the head usher had gone ahead and asked someone else to step in. It had infuriated Ken who had asked these dear African women who speak marginal English and read even less to usher. They had been thrilled and said that they would be happy to usher. Between them they had gotten six children dressed and out the door and wrapped themselves in their finest African garb to usher for Mr. Ken.
Mr. Ken and his wife hadn't made it to 9 a.m. church that Sunday to avert this mishap. So the ladies had sat in the pew, all dressed waiting to be told what to do. And no one ever approached them.
Ken was beside himself. So, he was insistent that we make it to church today because the ladies had agreed to try it again. They didn't even need to be coaxed and at 10:30 Saturday night Ken had text the minister to make sure everyone knew to look out for the African ladies.
And he had also wanted to be there this morning because a man who hadn't been to church for 12 years had agreed to usher at the 10:30 service and Ken wanted to support him.
Sherman came up after the service to thank Ken for inviting him to usher. Sherman said he would gladly do it again and Ken signed him up for the 16th and 23rd of August.
As for the African ladies, they came at 9 a.m., maybe still a little late, but it all went well.
Sometimes it's quite humbling to be married to Ken Felt.


Me said...

What a guy...

margot connor said...

you two are quite a couple. Thanks for sharing! wish you were in my church!

Audrey Connor said...

what an awesome man your husband is. You know - Ushers make a church...

thanks for sharing!

Sonja said...

To a couple special ladies, he is Kens (plural.) :)